MultiPoint Methane Gas Sensor System

Black Sand Technologies’ single site multipoint methane system utilizes Nevada Nano’s methane sensor to make detection easy.  Methane emission and leak detection is a challenging subject that we can not simply wish away.  Our system is a precise and straightforward way to identify and mitigate methane emissions.


The regulatory environment regarding methane is varied and not going to get simpler or less stringent.  As responsible stewards of the environment, we should be staying ahead of the curve as it is the right thing to do as a producer or processor of hydrocarbons.


Investments have moved beyond just simply generating returns.  Environmental, social and governance factors drive investments and the hydrocarbon industry is not immune.


Our industry should lead by example regarding protection of the environment.  Simply stating one does the right things at the right time and for the right reasons doesn't work when there is a disconnect between rhetoric and action.

Easy to implement

Our methane system is designed to easily and readily integrate into existing SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems through Modbus TCP.  There is no specialized knowledge of complicated PLC systems required to implement the methane monitoring system.  Rig it up, hook it up, power it and it runs.

Realtime data

The base system is designed to integrate into existing SCADA systems, which feed into your existing data presentation and alerting infrastructure.  We also offer MQTT (message queuing telemetry transport) that integrates effective and timely alerts through low bandwidth connections by utilizing effective caching.

Historic and batched data

The multiprocessor and multithreaded system can also generate CSV files while simultaneously writing to databases.  If an entirely isolated design disconnected from the internet is desired, data can be written to a USB drive.  CSV data can also be uploaded to the internet, with Dropbox, Google Drive, FTP and sFTP can be utilized as storage/transmission options.

Sensor data

Visit Nevada Nano's website for further information on their methane gas sensor.


Do we have small emissions events?

Where are our emissions coming from?

Can we identify small emissions before they become significant?

Point detection

Methane leaks occur at known points.

  1. Valve bonnets
  2. Stuffing boxes
  3. Wellheads
  4. Flanges

Our system allows you to economically and precisely identify and take action at the source.  Why wait for the time and subsequently accept the risk of reaching the emission levels that other methods can begin to sense?

Precise leak detection

Leak detection is most effectively implemented where emission events are most likely to happen, such as valve bonnets, stuffing boxes and wellheads.

Accurate data

Precise and accurate data needs to be readily and easily correlated to events so they can be identified and minimized.  BST has a vast amount of data acquisition and correlation experience in the oilfield and other industries.

Data collection and presentation

Data needs to be presented in a timely and precise manner with no false alarms.  BST has years of experience of delivering hundreds of thousands data points an hour.  The data was presented to the user base through alerting software, messaging platforms and maps while maintaining the integrity for accurate analyzation.

No batteries

Your leak detection system should not cease to function when it gets cold.  Battery based systems are limited by present battery technology.  Powered systems do not suffer from such.

Do you want your people analyzing data to make informed business decisions or do you want them driving out in a snowstorm during the middle of winter to change batteries?


Black Sand Technologies’ system offers a 2 to 6 sensor setup to help you find solutions to minimize methane leaks and emissions.

Simple yet precise

Identify leaks and monitor at the source, not hundreds of feet away.  Leaks are best handled when small, not when they can be seen from space.


We want to work with you and provide data within your existing systems.  The proverbial wheel doesn't need to be recreated, but it can run better with data provided by the system.


As we would tell children and others, leave things better than you found them.  Part of that is minimizing the impact of our operations by eliminating methane emissions.

As in safety, actions speak louder than words.


Precise, timely and accurate data is needed to take action.  BST provides all of the prior with experience and sound engineering practices.

Ancillary data

Along with methane readings, the system is also of capable of providing other data that can help you correlate and explain methane emissions.  The following data is also collected at the same time as the methane reading:

  1. Temperature
  2. Pressure
  3. Relative Humidity
  4. Absolute Humidity

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